How Foreclosures Work
You made smart decisions on the path to realizing your dream of homeownership. You prioritized your spending and saved enough money for a small down payment. Your mortgage broker was creative, accommodating and worked out a loan that fit your budget. You signed the closing papers, got the keys, moved in and settled into what you hoped would be a long stay in your home. Then the unthinkable happened. You got laid off from your job. Or maybe you or a family member had an accident that strained your finances. If you're in the National Guard, you may have gotten called into active duty, forcing you to close your business temporarily. Or perhaps your variable rate loan increased your monthly payments and your home didn't appreciate enough to refinance. All of these scenarios play out every day in real life, and the sad result can be foreclosure.
If you suddenly find that you can't afford to pay your monthly loan payment, your lender has the legal right to repossess your home and resell it to recoup the cost of the loan. Foreclosure is a legal course of action in which nobody really comes out on top. It's a stressful and unfortunate situation for the homeowner and lender alike. Many people remain in denial about their finances, making the situation worse. As unfortunate as the foreclosure process may be, there are things you can do to save your home if you're faced with it.
As the real estate bubble in the United States has begun to burst, the foreclosure rate has soared. The housing boom saw unparalleled growth from 2001 to 2005. Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) and subprime loans made buying a house possible for many people who never thought they had the money or credit to do so. ARMs have low initial rates that typically go much higher after the first year or two. Subprime loans allow people with poor credit to secure financing at high rates. Mortgage brokers used both of these methods to get loans secured, and many of the borrowers soon found out they couldn't afford their monthly payments.
Here are some startling foreclosure statistics in the United States, according to CNN Money:
- Nearly 1.3 million homes were foreclosed on in 2006.
- Colorado had the highest rate of foreclosure -- one out of every 376 houses.
- The total number of filings is up 43 percent from 2005.
- Real estate experts predict even more foreclosures in 2007.
The Foreclosure Process
The foreclosure process differs by state, but we can take a look at the general steps that are taken. If you're faced with foreclosure, it's important that you research your state's laws and practices.Foreclosure proceedings can begin after a single missed payment, but it isn't very likely. Most banks and lenders have a grace period for late payments, usually with a fee added on. It typically takes being a full 30 days late for the alarm bells to go off. After the second missed payment, you'll be getting some phone calls. Many lenders will only accept both late payments to bring the loan current. They also may refuse any partial payments.
Once you fall three months behind, things get serious. This is typically when most lenders will begin the foreclosure process in one of two ways: judicial sale, which requires that the process go through the court system, or power of sale, which can be carried out entirely by the mortgage holder.
All states allow judicial sale, while only 29 allow power of sale. If your state allows power of sale, the loan papers will usually have a clause that says this method will be used. Power of sale is typically faster than the judicial route. Let's look at both methods.
Judicial sale:
- The mortgage lender will file suit with the court system.
- You'll receive a letter from the court demanding payment.
- Typically, you'll have 30 days to respond with payment to avoid foreclosure.
- At the end of the payment period, a judgment will be entered and the lender can request sale of the property by auction.
- The auction is carried out by the sheriff's office, usually several months after the judgment.
- Once the property is sold, you're served with an eviction notice by the sheriff's office, and you must vacate your former home immediately.
- The mortgage lender will serve you with papers demanding payment.
- After an established waiting period, a deed of trust is drawn up that temporarily conveys the property to a trustee.
- The trustee will sell the house at public auction for the lender.
- Many times, these foreclosures are subject to judicial review to make sure everything was carried out legally.
- There is usually a requirement for the lender to post a public notice of sale for the auction.
There can also be deficiency judgments made against the borrower if the sale of the property doesn't satisfy the amount of the loan. The entire difference between the two can be required, although some states only require that difference between the fair value of the property and the loan amount be paid.
There's one more type of foreclosure that's almost completely obsolete, called strict foreclosure. In these cases, once judgment is made on the lawsuit, the property is automatically assumed by the mortgage holder. Only Connecticut and Vermont still allow this practice [source: Realty Trac].
Effects of Foreclosure
The most obvious effect of foreclosure is that you now find yourself without a home. Many people rely on family at this point to get them through the coming months. Some people are able to afford to move into an apartment while they get their finances back on track. Sadly, some people that suffer foreclosure find themselves homeless. Most states have homeless prevention programs that assist people who are down on their luck and in need of a boost. If you've been foreclosed on and have no housing options, check with your state and local department of human services to see if they can assist you.Your credit rating is another way foreclosure can affect you. While being foreclosed on does have a negative impact on your credit rating, it doesn't damage it beyond repair. Credit ratings are based on your credit history, so the foreclosure will be factored in along with everything else. If you had a good rating before you fell behind on your loan, you might be surprised at how high your credit score is after you foreclose.
The most important thing to do after foreclosure is to try and repair your credit. Make sure all your other accounts are current and paid up. You may try and secure a smaller loan -- making payments on this loan will help you repair your credit. You may even be able to secure another home mortgage at a less-than-prime rate with a large down payment.
If you've been foreclosed on, you may have trouble finding or keeping employment. Some employers require a good credit rating to get hired, and foreclosure can even be grounds for termination. Stress and depression are also common effects of foreclosure. A lack of self-esteem and self-worth are typically associated with people that have lost their homes.
The trickle down effect of foreclosure can also have a serious impact on your community. One foreclosure can ring up as much as $34,000 in local government agency bills. Trash removal, unpaid utilities, sheriff and police costs, inspections and potentially even demolition of the property all contribute to that cost. Property values also decrease near foreclosed properties. In some housing markets, up to $220,000 in reduced property value can be expected [source: Apgar, Duda, Gorey].
You can learn more about foreclosure and the housing market by looking into the links on the next page.
Foreclosure and Crime
Crime is another common effect of foreclosure. Slavic Village, Ohio, is the leading community for foreclosures in the United States. As of November 2007, more than 800 houses sat vacant in this Cleveland suburb. These homes are usually looted within 72 hours of becoming vacant. Aluminum siding, gutters, doors, windows, molding, appliances and basically anything else of value is stripped from the home and sold for profit. These homes are typically wrecked in the process as well, with looters using sledgehammers to break through walls to remove valuable copper wiring. With windows and doors removed, houses are open to the elements. Many abandoned houses become dumping grounds for people that don't want to pay for trash removal. The community of Slavic Village is fighting back with organized crime-watches and persistent pleas to the local police force [source: CNN Money].Foreclosure can trigger capital gains and canceled debt income
Foreclosures are treated as the sale of property for federal tax
purposes. Homeowners going through a foreclosure will need to calculate
their gain or loss for tax purposes, as well as consider any income tax
that might be due on the forgiveness or cancellation of debt. These are
two separate issues: gain on the sale of the property and imputed income
from any debt forgiveness.
In usual circumstances, the sale of real property goes through escrow, and the seller receives statements showing how much the home was sold for. With foreclosures, however, there is no escrow. The lending bank simply takes possession of the house. A foreclosure is still considered a sale, or in more technical terms, a "disposition" of property. When property is disposed of, the owner calculates any gain or loss on the transaction for tax reporting purposes.
Now the basic formula for capital gains is to subtract the basis or cost of the property from the selling price. The difference is how much profit a person made, or how much money was lost on the transaction. In a foreclosure situation, the selling price used for tax purposes isn't immediately clear because there's no escrow statements and no mutually agreed upon selling price. However, there is still a "selling price" for tax purposes: it will be either the fair market value of the property or the outstanding loan balance immediately prior to the foreclosure. Both of these figures will be reported to you by the bank using Form 1099-A. Which figure you will use depends on what state you live in and what type of loan you had.
Note that with non-recourse loans, the borrower will not have any canceled debt income, because the lender is prohibited by law from pursuing the borrower for repayment.
If the foreclosed property was mixed use (was your primary residence at one time, and was a secondary residence at another time), then you'll need to utilize the modified rules for calculating your gain or loss.
If the foreclosed property was a rental property, then you'll report the sale on Form 4797.
For non-recourse loans, there is no cancellation of debt income to be reported. That's because the lender cannot pursue the borrower for repayment of the debt, even if the fair market value of the property is less than what was owed.
In usual circumstances, the sale of real property goes through escrow, and the seller receives statements showing how much the home was sold for. With foreclosures, however, there is no escrow. The lending bank simply takes possession of the house. A foreclosure is still considered a sale, or in more technical terms, a "disposition" of property. When property is disposed of, the owner calculates any gain or loss on the transaction for tax reporting purposes.
Now the basic formula for capital gains is to subtract the basis or cost of the property from the selling price. The difference is how much profit a person made, or how much money was lost on the transaction. In a foreclosure situation, the selling price used for tax purposes isn't immediately clear because there's no escrow statements and no mutually agreed upon selling price. However, there is still a "selling price" for tax purposes: it will be either the fair market value of the property or the outstanding loan balance immediately prior to the foreclosure. Both of these figures will be reported to you by the bank using Form 1099-A. Which figure you will use depends on what state you live in and what type of loan you had.
Recourse or Non-Recourse Loans
The selling price (for tax purposes) of the property is determined by whether the loan or loans securing the property are recourse loans or non-recourse loans. According to About.com's banking and loans expert Justin Pritchard, mortgages used to acquire a house tend to be non-recourse loans, while refinanced loans and home equity loans tend to be recourse loans. Be aware that how home loans are classified depends on state lending laws. For more information, see Recourse Loans and Non-Recourse Loans. Accordingly, you will first need to determine what type of loan you had on your property. From there, you can determine the selling price. You may need to analyze your loan documents to extract the information you need for your income tax reporting.Determining the Selling Price
A recourse loan is a loan where the borrower is personally liable for the debt, and the lender can pursue repayment even after the property has been repossessed. For recourse loans, the figure used as the selling price is the lower of the following two amounts:- the outstanding loan balance immediately before the foreclosure minus any debt for which the borrower remains personally liable after the foreclosure; or
- the fair market value of the property being foreclosed.
Note that with non-recourse loans, the borrower will not have any canceled debt income, because the lender is prohibited by law from pursuing the borrower for repayment.
Reporting Capital Gain or Loss
If the foreclosed property was your primary residence, you report the foreclosure sale on your Schedule D, and you may qualify to exclude up to $250,000 of gain from income tax. If the foreclosed property was a personal use property, but not your primary residence, such as a second home or vacation home, then you'll report the foreclosure sale on your Schedule D.If the foreclosed property was mixed use (was your primary residence at one time, and was a secondary residence at another time), then you'll need to utilize the modified rules for calculating your gain or loss.
If the foreclosed property was a rental property, then you'll report the sale on Form 4797.
Canceled Debt Issues
Foreclosures can trigger taxable income besides capital gains. If the lender forgives or cancels the mortgage debt on a recourse loan, that may need to be included as income unless an exception applies. For recourse loans, the amount of debt canceled by the lender is potentially taxable income. There are a number of exceptions that exclude canceled debts from tax treatment. The most important of these is the exclusion for debt secured by your main home. Under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, canceled debts of up to $2 million can be excluded as long as the debt was used to buy or build your principal residence. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act extends this debt relief through 2012.For non-recourse loans, there is no cancellation of debt income to be reported. That's because the lender cannot pursue the borrower for repayment of the debt, even if the fair market value of the property is less than what was owed.
Tax Reporting Documents Form 1099-A and Form 1099-C
Form 1099-A is issued by the bank after real estate has been foreclosed, and reports the the date of the foreclosure, the fair market value of the property, and the outstanding loan balance immediately prior to the foreclosure. You will need this information when reporting any capital gain income related to the foreclosure. Form 1099-C is issued by the bank after the bank has canceled or forgiven any debt on a recourse loan. The form will indicate how much debt was canceled. If a lender both forecloses on a home and cancels the unpaid debt in the same year, you may receive only a single Form 1099-C that reports both the foreclosure and the cancellation of debt (instead of receiving both a 1099-A and a 1099-C).13 Tips for Selling Your Home
We’ve all heard about how “bad” the real estate market is. But
what’s bad for sellers can be good for buyers, and these days, savvy
buyers are out in spades trying to take advantage of the buyer’s market.
Here are 13 thing you can do to help sell your house.
1. Audit your agent’s online marketing. 92% of homebuyers start their house hunt online, and they will never even get in the car to come see your home if the online listings aren’t compelling. In real estate, compelling means pictures! A study by Trulia.com shows that listings with more than 6 pictures are twice as likely to be viewed by buyers as listings that had fewer than 6 pictures.
2. Post a video love letter about your home on YouTube. Get a $125 FlipCam and walk through your home AND your neighborhood, telling prospective buyers about the best bits – what your family loved about the house, your favorite bakery or coffee shop that you frequented on Saturday mornings, etc. Buyers like to know that a home was well-loved, and it helps them visualize living a great life there, too.
Plus: 13 Moving Tips to Keep in Mind\
3. Let your neighbors choose their neighbors. If you belong to neighborhood online message boards or email lists, send a link to your home’s online listing to your neighbors. Also, invite your neighbors to your open house – turn it into a block party. That creates opportunities for your neighbors to sell the neighborhood to prospective buyers and for your neighbors to invite house hunters they know who have always wanted to live in the area.
4. Facebook your home’s listing. Facebook is the great connector of people these days. If you have 200 friends and they each have 200 friends, imagine the power of that network in getting the word out about your house!
5. Leave some good stuff behind. We’ve all heard about closing cost credits, but those are almost so common now that buyers expect them – they don’t really distinguish your house from any of the other homes on the market anymore. What can distinguish your home is leaving behind some of your personal property, ideally items that are above and beyond what the average homebuyer in your home’s price range would be able to afford. That may be stainless steel kitchen appliances or a plasma screen TV, or it might be a golf cart if your home is on a golf course.
6. Beat the competition with condition. In many markets, much of the competition is low-priced foreclosures and short sales. As an individual homeowner, the way you can compete is on condition. Consider having a termite inspection in advance of listing your home, and get as many of the repairs done as you can – it’s a major selling point to be able to advertise a very low or non-existent pest repair bill. Also, make sure that the little nicks and scratches, doorknobs that don’t work, and wonky handles are all repaired before you start showing your home.
Plus: 5 Easy Improvements to Hook a Buyer For Your Home
7. Stage the exterior of your home too. Stage the exterior with fresh paint, immaculate landscaping and even outdoor furniture to set up a Sunday brunch on the deck vignette. Buyers often fantasize about enjoying their backyards by entertaining and spending time outside.
8. Access is essential. Homes that don’t get shown don’t get sold. And many foreclosures and short sale listings are vacant, so they can be shown anytime. Don’t make it difficult for agents to get their clients into your home – if they have to make appointments way in advance, or can only show it during a very restrictive time frame, they will likely just cross your place off the list and go show the places that are easy to get into.
9. Get real about pricing. Today’s buyers are very educated about the comparable sales in the area, which heavily influence the fair market value of your home. And they also know that they’re in the driver’s seat. To make your home competitive, have your broker or agent get you the sales prices of the three most similar homes that have sold in your area in the last month or so, then try to go 10-15% below that when you set your home’s list price. The homes that look like a great deal are the ones that get the most visits from buyers and, on occasion even receive multiple offers. (Bidding wars do still exist!)
10. Get clued into your competition. Work with your broker or agent to get educated about the price, type of sale and condition of the other homes your home is up against. Attend some open houses in your area and do a real estate reality check: know that buyers that see your home will see those homes, too – make sure the real-time comparison will come out in your home’s favor by ensuring the condition of your home is up to par.
11. De-personalize. Do this – pretend you’re moving out. Take all the things that make your home “your” personal sanctuary (e.g., family photos, religious décor and kitschy memorabilia), pack them up and put them in storage. Buyers want to visualize your house being their house – and it’s difficult for them to do that with all your personal items marking the territory as yours.
12. De-clutter. Keep the faux-moving in motion. Pack up all your tchotchkes, anything that is sitting on top of a countertop, table or other flat surfaces. Anything that you haven’t used in at least a year? That goes, too. Give away what you can, throw away as much as possible of what remains, and then pack the rest to get it ready to move.
13. Listen to your agent. If you find an experienced real estate agent to list your home, who has a successful track record of selling homes in your area, listen to their recommendations! Find an agent you trust and follow their advice as often as you can.
1. Audit your agent’s online marketing. 92% of homebuyers start their house hunt online, and they will never even get in the car to come see your home if the online listings aren’t compelling. In real estate, compelling means pictures! A study by Trulia.com shows that listings with more than 6 pictures are twice as likely to be viewed by buyers as listings that had fewer than 6 pictures.
2. Post a video love letter about your home on YouTube. Get a $125 FlipCam and walk through your home AND your neighborhood, telling prospective buyers about the best bits – what your family loved about the house, your favorite bakery or coffee shop that you frequented on Saturday mornings, etc. Buyers like to know that a home was well-loved, and it helps them visualize living a great life there, too.
Plus: 13 Moving Tips to Keep in Mind\
3. Let your neighbors choose their neighbors. If you belong to neighborhood online message boards or email lists, send a link to your home’s online listing to your neighbors. Also, invite your neighbors to your open house – turn it into a block party. That creates opportunities for your neighbors to sell the neighborhood to prospective buyers and for your neighbors to invite house hunters they know who have always wanted to live in the area.
4. Facebook your home’s listing. Facebook is the great connector of people these days. If you have 200 friends and they each have 200 friends, imagine the power of that network in getting the word out about your house!
5. Leave some good stuff behind. We’ve all heard about closing cost credits, but those are almost so common now that buyers expect them – they don’t really distinguish your house from any of the other homes on the market anymore. What can distinguish your home is leaving behind some of your personal property, ideally items that are above and beyond what the average homebuyer in your home’s price range would be able to afford. That may be stainless steel kitchen appliances or a plasma screen TV, or it might be a golf cart if your home is on a golf course.
6. Beat the competition with condition. In many markets, much of the competition is low-priced foreclosures and short sales. As an individual homeowner, the way you can compete is on condition. Consider having a termite inspection in advance of listing your home, and get as many of the repairs done as you can – it’s a major selling point to be able to advertise a very low or non-existent pest repair bill. Also, make sure that the little nicks and scratches, doorknobs that don’t work, and wonky handles are all repaired before you start showing your home.
Plus: 5 Easy Improvements to Hook a Buyer For Your Home
7. Stage the exterior of your home too. Stage the exterior with fresh paint, immaculate landscaping and even outdoor furniture to set up a Sunday brunch on the deck vignette. Buyers often fantasize about enjoying their backyards by entertaining and spending time outside.
8. Access is essential. Homes that don’t get shown don’t get sold. And many foreclosures and short sale listings are vacant, so they can be shown anytime. Don’t make it difficult for agents to get their clients into your home – if they have to make appointments way in advance, or can only show it during a very restrictive time frame, they will likely just cross your place off the list and go show the places that are easy to get into.
9. Get real about pricing. Today’s buyers are very educated about the comparable sales in the area, which heavily influence the fair market value of your home. And they also know that they’re in the driver’s seat. To make your home competitive, have your broker or agent get you the sales prices of the three most similar homes that have sold in your area in the last month or so, then try to go 10-15% below that when you set your home’s list price. The homes that look like a great deal are the ones that get the most visits from buyers and, on occasion even receive multiple offers. (Bidding wars do still exist!)
10. Get clued into your competition. Work with your broker or agent to get educated about the price, type of sale and condition of the other homes your home is up against. Attend some open houses in your area and do a real estate reality check: know that buyers that see your home will see those homes, too – make sure the real-time comparison will come out in your home’s favor by ensuring the condition of your home is up to par.
11. De-personalize. Do this – pretend you’re moving out. Take all the things that make your home “your” personal sanctuary (e.g., family photos, religious décor and kitschy memorabilia), pack them up and put them in storage. Buyers want to visualize your house being their house – and it’s difficult for them to do that with all your personal items marking the territory as yours.
12. De-clutter. Keep the faux-moving in motion. Pack up all your tchotchkes, anything that is sitting on top of a countertop, table or other flat surfaces. Anything that you haven’t used in at least a year? That goes, too. Give away what you can, throw away as much as possible of what remains, and then pack the rest to get it ready to move.
13. Listen to your agent. If you find an experienced real estate agent to list your home, who has a successful track record of selling homes in your area, listen to their recommendations! Find an agent you trust and follow their advice as often as you can.
Most Important 10 Best-Kept Secrets for Selling Your Home
Selling Secret #10: Pricing it right
Find out what your home is worth, then shave 15 to 20 percent off the price. You’ll be stampeded by buyers with multiple bids — even in the worst markets — and they’ll bid up the price over what it’s worth. It takes real courage and most sellers just don’t want to risk it, but it’s the single best strategy to sell a home in today’s market.
Selling Secret #9: Half-empty closets
Storage is something every buyer is looking for and can never have enough of. Take half the stuff out of your closets then neatly organize what’s left in there. Buyers will snoop, so be sure to keep all your closets and cabinets clean and tidy.
Selling Secret #8: Light it up
Maximize the light in your home. After location, good light is the one thing that every buyer cites that they want in a home. Take down the drapes, clean the windows, change the lampshades, increase the wattage of your light bulbs and cut the bushes outside to let in sunshine. Do what you have to do make your house bright and cheery – it will make it more sellable.
Selling Secret #7: Play the agent field
A secret sale killer is hiring the wrong broker. Make sure you have a broker who is totally informed. They must constantly monitor the multiple listing service (MLS), know what properties are going on the market and know the comps in your neighborhood. Find a broker who embraces technology – a tech-savvy one has many tools to get your house sold.
Selling Secret #6: Conceal the critters
You might think a cuddly dog would warm the hearts of potential buyers, but you’d be wrong. Not everybody is a dog- or cat-lover. Buyers don’t want to walk in your home and see a bowl full of dog food, smell the kitty litter box or have tufts of pet hair stuck to their clothes. It will give buyers the impression that your house is not clean. If you’re planning an open house, send the critters to a pet hotel for the day.
Selling Secret #5: Don’t over-upgrade
Quick fixes before selling always pay off. Mammoth makeovers, not so much. You probably won’t get your money back if you do a huge improvement project before you put your house on the market. Instead, do updates that will pay off and get you top dollar. Get a new fresh coat of paint on the walls. Clean the curtains or go buy some inexpensive new ones. Replace door handles, cabinet hardware, make sure closet doors are on track, fix leaky faucets and clean the grout.
Selling Secret #4: Take the home out of your house
One of the most important things to do when selling your house is to de-personalize it. The more personal stuff in your house, the less potential buyers can imagine themselves living there. Get rid of a third of your stuff – put it in storage. This includes family photos, memorabilia collections and personal keepsakes. Consider hiring a home stager to maximize the full potential of your home. Staging simply means arranging your furniture to best showcase the floor plan and maximize the use of space.
Selling Secret #3: The kitchen comes first
You’re not actually selling your house, you’re selling your kitchen – that’s how important it is. The benefits of remodeling your kitchen are endless, and the best part of it is that you’ll probably get 85% of your money back. It may be a few thousand dollars to replace countertops where a buyer may knock $10,000 off the asking price if your kitchen looks dated. The fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting and new cabinet hardware. Use a neutral-color paint so you can present buyers with a blank canvas where they can start envisioning their own style. If you have a little money to spend, buy one fancy stainless steel appliance. Why one? Because when people see one high-end appliance they think all the rest are expensive too and it updates the kitchen.
Selling Secret #2: Always be ready to show
Your house needs to be "show-ready" at all times – you never know when your buyer is going to walk through the door. You have to be available whenever they want to come see the place and it has to be in tip-top shape. Don’t leave dishes in the sink, keep the dishwasher cleaned out, the bathrooms sparkling and make sure there are no dust bunnies in the corners. It’s a little inconvenient, but it will get your house sold.
Selling Secret #1: The first impression is the only impression
No matter how good the interior of your home looks, buyers have already judged your home before they walk through the door. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. It’s important to make people feel warm, welcome and safe as they approach the house. Spruce up your home’s exterior with inexpensive shrubs and brightly colored flowers. You can typically get a 100-percent return on the money you put into your home’s curb appeal. Entryways are also important. You use it as a utility space for your coat and keys. But, when you’re selling, make it welcoming by putting in a small bench, a vase of fresh-cut flowers or even some cookies.
Find out what your home is worth, then shave 15 to 20 percent off the price. You’ll be stampeded by buyers with multiple bids — even in the worst markets — and they’ll bid up the price over what it’s worth. It takes real courage and most sellers just don’t want to risk it, but it’s the single best strategy to sell a home in today’s market.
Selling Secret #9: Half-empty closets
Storage is something every buyer is looking for and can never have enough of. Take half the stuff out of your closets then neatly organize what’s left in there. Buyers will snoop, so be sure to keep all your closets and cabinets clean and tidy.
Selling Secret #8: Light it up
Maximize the light in your home. After location, good light is the one thing that every buyer cites that they want in a home. Take down the drapes, clean the windows, change the lampshades, increase the wattage of your light bulbs and cut the bushes outside to let in sunshine. Do what you have to do make your house bright and cheery – it will make it more sellable.
Selling Secret #7: Play the agent field
A secret sale killer is hiring the wrong broker. Make sure you have a broker who is totally informed. They must constantly monitor the multiple listing service (MLS), know what properties are going on the market and know the comps in your neighborhood. Find a broker who embraces technology – a tech-savvy one has many tools to get your house sold.
Selling Secret #6: Conceal the critters
You might think a cuddly dog would warm the hearts of potential buyers, but you’d be wrong. Not everybody is a dog- or cat-lover. Buyers don’t want to walk in your home and see a bowl full of dog food, smell the kitty litter box or have tufts of pet hair stuck to their clothes. It will give buyers the impression that your house is not clean. If you’re planning an open house, send the critters to a pet hotel for the day.
Selling Secret #5: Don’t over-upgrade
Quick fixes before selling always pay off. Mammoth makeovers, not so much. You probably won’t get your money back if you do a huge improvement project before you put your house on the market. Instead, do updates that will pay off and get you top dollar. Get a new fresh coat of paint on the walls. Clean the curtains or go buy some inexpensive new ones. Replace door handles, cabinet hardware, make sure closet doors are on track, fix leaky faucets and clean the grout.
Selling Secret #4: Take the home out of your house
One of the most important things to do when selling your house is to de-personalize it. The more personal stuff in your house, the less potential buyers can imagine themselves living there. Get rid of a third of your stuff – put it in storage. This includes family photos, memorabilia collections and personal keepsakes. Consider hiring a home stager to maximize the full potential of your home. Staging simply means arranging your furniture to best showcase the floor plan and maximize the use of space.
Selling Secret #3: The kitchen comes first
You’re not actually selling your house, you’re selling your kitchen – that’s how important it is. The benefits of remodeling your kitchen are endless, and the best part of it is that you’ll probably get 85% of your money back. It may be a few thousand dollars to replace countertops where a buyer may knock $10,000 off the asking price if your kitchen looks dated. The fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting and new cabinet hardware. Use a neutral-color paint so you can present buyers with a blank canvas where they can start envisioning their own style. If you have a little money to spend, buy one fancy stainless steel appliance. Why one? Because when people see one high-end appliance they think all the rest are expensive too and it updates the kitchen.
Selling Secret #2: Always be ready to show
Your house needs to be "show-ready" at all times – you never know when your buyer is going to walk through the door. You have to be available whenever they want to come see the place and it has to be in tip-top shape. Don’t leave dishes in the sink, keep the dishwasher cleaned out, the bathrooms sparkling and make sure there are no dust bunnies in the corners. It’s a little inconvenient, but it will get your house sold.
Selling Secret #1: The first impression is the only impression
No matter how good the interior of your home looks, buyers have already judged your home before they walk through the door. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. It’s important to make people feel warm, welcome and safe as they approach the house. Spruce up your home’s exterior with inexpensive shrubs and brightly colored flowers. You can typically get a 100-percent return on the money you put into your home’s curb appeal. Entryways are also important. You use it as a utility space for your coat and keys. But, when you’re selling, make it welcoming by putting in a small bench, a vase of fresh-cut flowers or even some cookies.
The Price of Real-Estate Experience: $25,000
Can you put a price on experience? In real estate, you can. It is about $25,000 for the average house.
Veteran agents sell homes for an average of 12% more than their less experienced counterparts, says Bennie Waller, professor of finance and real estate at Longwood University in Farmville, Va. Veteran agents also tend to list more new properties, more townhouses and condominiums and larger properties.
Two-thirds of properties listed by veteran agents sold, while only half of properties listed by rookies did.
"The more experience you have, the more likely you are to sell the properties that you list, the more likely you are to sell it at a higher price and the less time it stays on the market," Prof. Waller says.
Prof. Waller, along with Ali Jubran, a student at Longwood University at the time, examined 10,065 real-estate listings in a mid-Atlantic multiple-listing service from March 1999 to July 2009. They divided the listings into three groups—ones listed by agents who have been licensed for two years or less (called rookies), agents who have been licensed for two to 10 years and agents who have been licensed for 10 years or more (called veterans). They controlled for property characteristics such as size and location to isolate the "experience variable," and then compared the results for rookies and veterans. The study was published in the Journal of Housing Research in May 2012.
Prof. Waller became
interested in quantifying experience when he noticed an increasing
number of agents who chose not to renew their licenses after two years.
Real estate has "very, very, very low barriers to entry," he says. But
brokers then face a steep learning curve and many struggle to reach a
level of expertise that is profitable, he adds.
Two-thirds of properties listed by veteran agents sold, while only half of properties listed by rookies did. That may be because rookie agents have to be more flexible in picking up listings, even if the chances of selling are low.
"If a house is priced ridiculously, they might say, 'Fine, I'll take the listing,' " Prof. Waller says.
Generally, experienced agents have greater knowledge of the neighborhoods and a larger network of buyers and sellers, as well as relationships with home inspectors, appraisers and mortgage brokers.
For some, confidence comes with time. James Stroupe, a real-estate agent at Realogics Sotheby's International Realty in Seattle, says he used to take listings priced above-market, but now, with nearly 20 years of experience under his belt, he isn't afraid to suggest an alternative price.
And then
there are the lessons learned. Michael Rankin, principal and managing
partner of TTR Sotheby's International Realty in Washington, D.C., began
selling real estate right out of college, so he faced the twin pitfalls
of inexperience and youth.
"I would meet people and say I'm a real-estate agent. They would joke and say, 'I've got children older than you. Are you sure you're a real-estate agent?' " he says.
Mr. Rankin says he didn't get referrals until his third year in the business. Referrals now make up about 70% of his sales. His listings stock also has changed dramatically. In his 20s, his average sale price was about $300,000 to $400,000. Now, it is more than $2 million.
Experience taught him how to deal with consumer behavior. "Residential real estate is really an emotional transaction. I don't think I was prepared for any of it. It's about understanding and knowing people. That, to me, is what an experienced broker brings to the table," he says.
When Pamela J. Hagan first began practicing real estate about 30 years ago, she had a listing that just wouldn't sell. After zero offers in eight months, she asked a more experienced agent to help. "We tweaked the price and staged it properly, removed clutter and everything. I just didn't think of that when I was new," says Ms. Hagan, of Century 21 Beggins Enterprises in Longboat Key, Fla. "After we got it all set up and dropped the price, we sold it within 30 days."
Veteran agents sell homes for an average of 12% more than their less experienced counterparts, says Bennie Waller, professor of finance and real estate at Longwood University in Farmville, Va. Veteran agents also tend to list more new properties, more townhouses and condominiums and larger properties.
Two-thirds of properties listed by veteran agents sold, while only half of properties listed by rookies did.
"The more experience you have, the more likely you are to sell the properties that you list, the more likely you are to sell it at a higher price and the less time it stays on the market," Prof. Waller says.
Prof. Waller, along with Ali Jubran, a student at Longwood University at the time, examined 10,065 real-estate listings in a mid-Atlantic multiple-listing service from March 1999 to July 2009. They divided the listings into three groups—ones listed by agents who have been licensed for two years or less (called rookies), agents who have been licensed for two to 10 years and agents who have been licensed for 10 years or more (called veterans). They controlled for property characteristics such as size and location to isolate the "experience variable," and then compared the results for rookies and veterans. The study was published in the Journal of Housing Research in May 2012.
Two-thirds of properties listed by veteran agents sold, while only half of properties listed by rookies did. That may be because rookie agents have to be more flexible in picking up listings, even if the chances of selling are low.
"If a house is priced ridiculously, they might say, 'Fine, I'll take the listing,' " Prof. Waller says.
Generally, experienced agents have greater knowledge of the neighborhoods and a larger network of buyers and sellers, as well as relationships with home inspectors, appraisers and mortgage brokers.
For some, confidence comes with time. James Stroupe, a real-estate agent at Realogics Sotheby's International Realty in Seattle, says he used to take listings priced above-market, but now, with nearly 20 years of experience under his belt, he isn't afraid to suggest an alternative price.
"I would meet people and say I'm a real-estate agent. They would joke and say, 'I've got children older than you. Are you sure you're a real-estate agent?' " he says.
Mr. Rankin says he didn't get referrals until his third year in the business. Referrals now make up about 70% of his sales. His listings stock also has changed dramatically. In his 20s, his average sale price was about $300,000 to $400,000. Now, it is more than $2 million.
Experience taught him how to deal with consumer behavior. "Residential real estate is really an emotional transaction. I don't think I was prepared for any of it. It's about understanding and knowing people. That, to me, is what an experienced broker brings to the table," he says.
When Pamela J. Hagan first began practicing real estate about 30 years ago, she had a listing that just wouldn't sell. After zero offers in eight months, she asked a more experienced agent to help. "We tweaked the price and staged it properly, removed clutter and everything. I just didn't think of that when I was new," says Ms. Hagan, of Century 21 Beggins Enterprises in Longboat Key, Fla. "After we got it all set up and dropped the price, we sold it within 30 days."
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