Real Property Management in Northern Virginia launches a program that will allow landlords to receive their monthly rent on time, every month, regardless of whether tenants pay on time.
Real Property Management in northern Virginia has launched a program that will allow landlords to receive monthly rent on time each and every month. The program will help landlords stabilize cash flow and will provide an important value add for Real Property Management clients. "This is just one of the many ways we try to help our clients manage their properties with efficiency and stability," said Ashley Leigh, Owner of Real Property Management Pros.The program operates in a simple fashion. After a landlord client enrolls in the Advanced Rent Program, they will receive their rent payment in advance. Each month, on the 1st business day of the month, Real Property Management Pros will electronically transfer a rent “advancement” into the landlord bank account regardless of whether the tenant has posted their rent on-time for that pay period. As long as the tenant pays the rent at some point during that month, Real Property Management Pros will continue to advance rent each and every subsequent month.
To enroll in the program, landlords will have to first engage Real Property Management for services. The program is available for all clients and there is no commitment and no obligation while investigating the process.
About Real Property Management Pros: Real Property Management is a national real estate management company with over 200 offices in 30 states. Despite its national status Real Property Management remains highly localized through its individual branches. Real Property Management in Arlington, Virginia has managed thousands of real estate assets for over 20 years with a professional, well-trained staff of property managers, maintenance personnel and accountants. With our staff working and living in their local markets, they have an in-depth understanding of property management in the entire Virginia market. For more information, please visit
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